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  • Writer's pictureSummer Takkouch

Your Skincare Retail Sales Are Down!

Updated: Jul 26, 2019

Retail skincare sales #skincare are a crucial part of your Med Spa success as they can add many benefits to both sales and service. Skincare sales can yield a profit margin of up to 40% as well as increase your client retention which generates additional profit opportunities when clients continue to return to you for more products. As for service, it is common knowledge that the right skincare makes a substantial difference to your client skin which in turn increases your client trust and satisfaction in your expertise.

Despite these facts, some Med Spas #MedSpa struggle to sell their retail skincare products. As the Med Spa owner or practice manager, it is up to you to to get to the bottom of the issue, make changes, and fix the problem. Unfortunately, diagnosing falling sales is easier said than done since there are many possible reasons leading to this drop.

The Med Spa Liaison has put together a list for you with the top 5 reasons why skincare retail sales #sales are lacking and ways to increase them. Maybe one reason will jump at you as the obvious problem, or maybe it is a combination of several reasons and a revamp approach to selling needs to be adopted.

1- Your Team Is Scared of Sounding Salesy

Aesthetic Treatment Providers are skilled in performing treatments, following treatment protocols, and maximizing their client results however the majority of them are not typically seasoned sales people. Their biggest fear is sounding salesy where they end up losing their client's trust, and knowing that the majority have not gone through proper sales training, it is honestly a scary thought. Your team needs you to invest your time and effort to train them effectively on a soft approach in sales and equip them with the right skills to make their sale approach client friendly. Holding regular team meetings and educational product training will increase their product knowledge so they can educate their clients accordingly.

Often times, clients have a lot of questions about skincare they are already using at home that your spa does not carry. It is extremely important to train your providers to never bad mouth a competitor's product line. Instead, find out from the clients what result is missing in the competitor's products and use it as an opportunity to educate them on your skincare's benefits and results. This will help gain the client's trust and respect for your providers.

2- The Buy-In Factor Is Missing

Since your Treatment Providers primarily care about making a difference in their client's skin results, they are going to be hesitant to promote a skincare line that has not been proven to be effective to them. It is crucial that you find a way to prove to them the efficacy of your skincare products through holding educational product trainings, keep a list of the active ingredients of each product, go over before and after pictures, and provide them with samples of your skincare products so they can witness firsthand how it can transform their skin. The skincare products that your team members use will always be the ones they feel comfortable talking about. In other words, getting your team members excited about their own skin results is at the heart of every successful sale. Discuss with your team how they can pair skincare treatments with the right skincare products to help clients achieve the best results.

So, now your team is knowledgeable about your retail skincare products, they have a total buy-in on their efficacy, and they're excited about their own skin transformation. The investment you've made in their training and in sampling these products is really going to pay off because you can consider them as walking testimonials to the products you carry. When a client sees your receptionist's or treatment provider's glowing skin and asks what they're using, your team will be there to save the day.

3- I Have Not Set Clear Goal Expectations

Setting clear goals provides your team direction, helps them focus, and prioritizes their time. Although these expectations are set by you, it is important to get input and agreement on sales expectations from your team. Work together on setting an achievable goal that also raises the bar. Remember that sales goals that are both realistic as well as challenging drive higher levels of performance.

4- Your Sales Software Is Not User Friendly

The ability to run a quick report that tracks your team's performance is a must when it comes to holding your team accountable to meeting their individual or team goals. There's a quote by P. Drucker that says "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it" and it is spot on. The value of being able to collect sales data is huge but most importantly is the ease of running those reports so you and your team are able to have that information at your fingertips. During your regular team meetings, run up-to-date reports on skincare sales to share with your team, give praise, collect best practices, and come up with fun contests. These actions will continue to motivate and inspire your team and encourage them to exceed their sales expectations.

5- My Skincare Retail Area Doesn't Look Inviting

Make your skincare area enticing by keeping it fresh, uncluttered, and well stocked. Add a clear vase with fresh flowers to enhance its aesthetic appeal. You might also want to consider displaying your products following the triangular balance which has proven to be effective, meaning that displays should come in threes. A person's sense of smell or touch triggers the consumer behavior to purchase your products so always make sure that the tester units are clean and accessible to your clients.

The proper diagnosis and problem solving is key when it comes to sales growth

. Let us know which of these tips have helped you and your team increase your retail sales.


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