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  • Writer's pictureSummer Takkouch

The ABC's of The Client Consult

Updated: Jul 26, 2019

The client consultation is the first real opportunity to connect with your clients, uncover their aesthetic needs, and show your Med Spa value. If done right, consultations are the cornerstone of successful appointments and happy clients. Unfortunately, running a busy schedule might affect the consultation quality.

Do's and Don'ts of a client consult

Here’s some reminders of what Not to do in a consultation:

1- Make your client wait for a long time before the consultation and leave them unattended. Instead, greet them as soon as they walk in the door, offer them something to drink, and explain the consultation process. Keep them engaged!

2- Have a presentation. Instead, have a conversation! Pay a special attention to Body Language - both yours and theirs! Remember that 75% of all communication is non-verbal.

3- Rush your consultation by assuming that you already know what they came in for. Instead, take the time and use open ended questions to uncover their aesthetic needs. Asking effective questions is an art, master it! Learning about your client will help build trust and support you in creating the right treatment plan.

Sell the value of your service and not the price.

4- Skip the education part since they’ve already read about it on social media. Instead, take the time to educate them on the science behind the treatment and use simple terms that are easy to understand. Also, don’t forget to talk about your unique qualities. Always ask yourself “why should clients sign up here instead of going to the Med Spa right across the street?”, the answer to that question would be your unique value!

5- Set high treatment result expectations. Instead, be realistic and share minimum expectations so your client would be happy with the results.

6- Avoid talking about the client treatment concerns (whether it’s price, treatment side effects...). Instead, address that elephant in the room and be open about it. If you don’t, chances are it will show up when you’re trying to close the sale.

Take the time to educate your clients on the right treatment for them.

7- Give either one option or too many options when you’re closing the sale. Instead, give 2 or 3 options, no more and no less. Giving 1 option will lead to a Yes or No answer and giving more than 3 options is too overwhelming for your client where they might feel the need to go home and think about it.

8- Schedule them at your leisure. Instead, find a time to get their treatment done within 3 days of purchase. Same day treatments are highly recommended because your client is excited about their decision and you would want them to start seeing results as soon as possible.

We hope that these tips were helpful. Good luck with your consultations and happy selling!


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